“Sky Diary” is an ongoing exhibition at Galerie Tanit in Beirut

Bettina Badr captures the essence of daily life, akin to a personal journal.

Bettina Khoury Badr

Bettina Khoury Badr, a Lebanese artist born in 1971, is currently showcasing her work at Galerie Tanit in an exhibition entitled “Sky Diary,” which runs from August 29, 2024, to October 3, 2024.

Bettina Badr captures moments of daily life as if in a diary, recording the shifting moods of landscapes on small-scale papers with water-based mediums. She transforms these diary notes into expansive compositions, crafting visions with organic and geometric forms. The circles and squares she consistently employs resonate with ancient symbols of the celestial sphere and the tangible, material earth. These intricate abstractions convert the landscapes into delicate interplays of color and shape. When set in relation to each other, the landscapes start to frame one another, allowing each piece to interact with the next as content, frame, and external world, in a continuous permutation. The landscapes evolve into constellations that invite viewers to discover an endless vision of our world, one that goes beyond limited perceptions. The artist encourages us to “observe day and night simultaneously,” “invert ground and sky,” and “view earth from the moon,” turning each work into an open frame where reality is reimagined.


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